Kirsten Campbell

Collaboration in Motion
"I tried to say something. My mouth wouldn’t move. I tried to raise my head and blacked out."

Award winning Paranormal/Dystopian author, Kirsten Campbell says she is inspired by her children and grandchildren to write stories that keep them and her audience not only enthralled, but coming back for more!

The New Yorker with a big heart shares with her readers: “Lately, I’m dabbling in Urban Paranormal Romance. It’s fun and there’s lots of emotion in the books. I love writing!”

WADIFTS- Why did you decide to be a writer?

K.C.- “I had lots of stories and poetry in my head that needed an outlet, so I wrote everything down.”

WADIFTS- Have you ever gotten an idea for a story from something really bizarre?

K.C. “Yes. My short story in “Through the Darkness…” was based on something bizarre that happened in my life.”

Through the Darkness ~ Stories of Hope
WADIFTS- I read your contribution to the book… It is palpable, to say the least. What are you working on now? 

K.C. “My G.O.D.s Series books, Urban Paranormal Dystopian/ Romance. I am at the editing stage of the second book.”

WADIFTS- This is your signature series, garnering awards and several notable interviews. Have you ever had a particularly harsh critique? If so, how did you handle it?

K.C. “I take all my critiques very seriously and endeavor to do better the next time, but I have learned that you can’t please everyone.”

WADIFTS-  Out of curiosity, if you were stranded on a deserted island, and you could only have five books with you, what would they be?

K.C. a. Through the Darkness ~ Stories of Hope
        b.*Blood Master Book 1 of the G.O.D.s Series/ Kirsten Campbell

        c.*Servant of the Bones/ Anne Rice

        d.*Dune/ Frank Herbert

        e.- I know why the Caged Bird Sings/ Maya Angelou

WADIFTS- I see that some of your choices are outside of your creative genres of Urban Paranormal Dystopian, Speculative, Science Fiction and Nonfiction.

K.C. “I don’t write in any specific genre. I write in several genres and enjoy each, but my favorite is Urban Paranormal.”

WADIFTS- Quid-pro-quo- Pantser or Outliner?

K.C.- “I’m definitely an outliner. I like to know where my story is going and if I have to add anything, I add to the outline.”

WADIFTS- If you could choose an author to be your mentor, who would it be?

K.C.  “Anne Rice. I love her writing.”

WADIFTS- What book or series do you enjoy reading over and over again?

K.C. “Star Wars/Trilogy, Ender’s Game & Dune.”

Kirsten Campbell
WADIFTS- Being employed as a Legal/ Funds Assistant at an Investment Firm doesn’t leave you much spare time. How many books are on your reading list?

K.C.- “About fifty. (I have some manga in there, too!) The Mirror Cracked. This is Me. Souls of the Reaper and, Vampire Knight.”

WADIFTS- What is the best compliment you've ever received as an author?

 K.C.- “I’m in love with Griffin Storm, the main character in first G.O.D.s series book, Blood Master.” 

WADIFTS- Do you have any advice for other authors?

K.C. “Yes. Don’t think, do. Just do it, get it written and then get it published. There now. Nuff said!”

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OUR INSPIRATION Collaboration In Motion (#CIM) was established in 2016 by a group of women inspired by HOPE. 


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