
Showing posts from April, 2017


Smashwords - need I say more? Ok, I will. Instagram Collaboration In Motion is now on Smashwords Through the Darkness ~ Stories of Hope Diversity is important Like our page Hope is crucial Follow our blog CIM=HOPE is now available on SMASHWORDS ~ download it today Tweet our HOPE Tell us your story Most importantly believe  “another set of circumstances is possible”      M. Handy Finally, Collaboration in Motion equals HOPE CIM =HOPE MZZ DunningReads           & MZZ DunningTalks Twitter YouTube Channel Mzz Dunning Twitter Mzz Dunning Facebook Page Mzz Dunning's Business Page ©2017 Euniece Dunning, C-Suites #ACPSLLC All rights reserved 

Starting April Off the RIGHT way

The best is yet to come and babe won't it be fine? You said you've seen the sun, but you ain't seen it shine... I am not sure if these are the correct words but I like the sound of it. If it is a misquote is a great one. We as an organization don't want you on a wing and a prayer. We would enjoy listening to the defining moment that brought you back from the edge. When you knew hope was the only thing you really had to cling too.  All seven women who share their stories in this one amazing book happen to be excellent listeners. So have a chat . One click it “Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.” Some days outshine others and hope does spring eternal. HOLD on. Smell the paperback “Man can live about forty days without food,  about three days without water,  about eight minutes without air, but only for on...